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The Industrialization of Yugoslavia under the Workers' Self-Management System: Author(s): Charles R. Chittle |
The main concerns of this paper are certain selected aspects of Yugoslav industrialization since 1952. To provide some familiarity with industrial progress prior to 1952, the paper begins, after a brief introduction, with a short historical survey of the Yugoslav economy. This survey is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the inter-war period and the second with the period of central planning which followed the second World War and preceded the introduction of the workers' self-management system. Next follows a review of institutional and policy developments since the introduction of the workers' self-management system. This section is also divided into two parts. The first part is concerned with institutional and policy aspects of what has been termed the inaugural stage of development under the system of workers' self-management, that is, the years from 1952 to 1961; a brief description of the system is contained in this segment. The latter part deals with the more recent period, extending from 1961, which we have termed the reform stage. Following this generally descriptive material is an empirical examination of Yugoslav industrialization since 1952. This section begins with an overview of Yugoslav industrialization since 1952.
Then the actual level and structure of industrial production is compared with hypothetical figures based on the past performance of other countries. Next the roles of import substitution and export expansion in the industrial growth process are examined. After this the interrelatedness of the economy is investigated. The linkages associated with the various economic sectors were computed and analyzed in the light of certain other industrialization variables. In the next sector the structure of Yugoslavia's foreign trade is assessed in terms of its capital and labor content and its directional pattern. The regional distribution of Yugoslavia's expanding national income is the subject of the next part of the paper. Following this an examination is made of the size structure of industrial enterprises, and changes in this structure over time; efficiency implications of the size structure are noted. Some concluding remarks bring the study to a close.
Glavna tema ovog rada su određeni odabrani aspekti jugoslovenske industrijalizacije od 1952. godine. Da bi se pružila izvesna informacija o industrijskom napretku pre 1952. godine, rad počinje, posle kratkog uvoda, kratkim istorijskim pregledom jugoslovenske privrede. Ova anketa je podeljena na dva dela, prvi se bavi međuratnim periodom, a drugi periodom centralnog planiranja koji je usledio nakon Drugog svetskog rata i koji je prethodio uvođenju sistema radničkog samoupravljanja. Sledi pregled institucionalnog i političkog razvoja od uvođenja sistema radničke samouprave. Ovaj odeljak je takođe podeljen na dva dela. Prvi deo se bavi institucionalnim i političkim aspektima onoga što se naziva inauguracionim stadijumom razvoja sistema radničkog samoupravljanja, odnosno godinama od 1952. do 1961. godine; kratak opis sistema je sadržan u ovom segmentu. Poslednji deo bavi se novijim periodom, koji se proteže od 1961. godine, koji smo nazvali reformskom etapom. Nakon ovog generalno opisnog materijala sledi empirijsko ispitivanje jugoslovenske industrijalizacije od 1952. godine.
Potom, stvarni nivo i struktura industrijske proizvodnje je upoređena se s hipotetičkim brojkama temeljenim na prošlim rezultatima drugih zemalja. Zatim se ispituju uloge zamjene uvoza i ekspanzije izvoza u procesu industrijskog rasta. Nakon toga, istražena je međuzavisnost privrednih sistema. Veze s različitim privrednim sektorima izračunate su i analizirane u svetlu nekih drugih varijabli industrijalizacije. U sledećem sektoru procenjuje se struktura spoljnootrgovinske razmene Jugoslavije s obzirom na njen sadržaj kapitala i rada, kao i matrica smera kretanja. Regionalna raspodela rastućeg nacionalnog dohotka Jugoslavije predmet je sledećeg dela rada. Nakon toga se ispituje struktura veličine industrijskih preduzeća i promene te strukture tokom vremena; zapažene su implikacije na učinkovitost strukture veličine. Neke zaključne napomene privode studiju kraju.
Key words: Authors/ Charles R. Chittle, language/English, countries/ Yugoslavia, industrialization, workers' self-management, centrally planned economy, foreign trade, capital, labor
ključne reči: autori / Charles R. Chittle, jezik / engleski, zemlje / Jugoslavija, industrijalizacija, radničko samoupravljanje, centralno-planska privreda, spoljna trgovina, kapital, rad