Poor People’s Movements

Socialist vs. Bourgeois Rights: An East-West German Comparison

Author(s): Inga Markovits


Individual rights are the connecting link between a citizen and the legal system under which he lives: they exemplify both what the citizen can expect from the law and what the law expects from him. In this article, I will examine the structure of rights under socialist and bourgeois' law in order to compare the function of individual rights under both systems and in this way gain insight into the different meanings of "law" in socialist and bourgeois society.


Individualna prava su spona između građanina i pravni sistem pod kojim živi: oni ilustruju kako ono što je građanin može očekivati od zakona i ono što zakon očekuje od njega. U ovom članku ću ispitati strukturu prava pod socijalizmom i buržoasko pravo da bi se uporedila funkcija pojedinca prava po oba sistema i na taj način stekao uvid u različita značenja „zakona” u socijalističkom i buržoaskom društvu.


Key words: authors/Inga Markovits, language/English, countries/East Germany, bourgeois law, socialist right, civil rights, society


ključne reči:: autori / Inga Markovits, jezik / engleski, zemlje / Istočna Nemačka, buržoasko pravo, socijalističko pravo, građanska prava, društvo


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