Poor People’s Movements

On Law and Ideology

Author(s): Paul Hirst


Through a critical discussion of Althusser’s re-reading of Marx and his account of the ‘relative autonomy’ of the ideological, Hirst discusses Marxist law, especially the question of property law, rights, economy, etc. Through this lens, Hirst discusses the contributions of E. B. Pashukanis and Karl Renner to the Marxist theory of law.


Kroz kritičku raspravu o Althusserovom ponovnom čitanju Marxa i njegovog prikaza 'relativne autonomije' ideološkog, Hirst raspravlja o marksističkom pravu, posebno o pitanju prava, prava svojine, ekonomije itd. Kroz ovu prizmu, Hirst raspravlja doprinose E.B. Pashukanisa i Karla Rennera marksističkoj teoriji prava.


Key words: authors/Paul Hirst, language/English, personalities/Althusser, Marx, E. B. Pashukanis, Karl Renner, law, Marxism, rights, economy, ideology


ključne reči: autori / Paul Hirst, jezik / engleski, ličnosti / Althusser, Marx, E. B. Pashukanis, Karl Renner, pravo, marksizam, prava, ekonomija, ideologija


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