Pashukanis and the Legal Subject Author(s): Paul Hirst |
Pashukanis argues that the 'subject is the atom of juridic theory' and that 'every sort of juridic relationship is a relationship between subjects' . Yet the legal subject, its attributes and constitution receive no attention in Pashukanis' text. The specific form of the legal subject is unproblematic. Pashukanis resolves the legal subject into the economic subject, just as he resolves the legal form into the commodity form. The legal subject is considered as the possessive bearer of right, an abstraction from the concrete possessor of labour products/commodities. Possessive right therefore appears to be derived from the actual relations of possession in commodity society. Right is explicable by the prior relationship of the economic subject to things.
Pašukanis tvrdi da je 'subjekt atom pravne teorije' i da je „svaka vrsta pravnog odnosa odnos između subjekata'. Ipak, pravni subjekt, njegovi atributi i Ustav ne dobija nikakvu pažnju u Pašukanisovom tekstu. Specifična forma pravnog subjekta je neproblematična. Pašukanis razrešava pravni subjekt u ekonomski subjekt, kao što razrešava pravni oblik u robni oblik. Pravni subjekt se smatra posesivnim nosiocem prava, apstraktom od konkretni posednik proizvoda/robe rada. Čini se da je posesivno pravo izvedeno iz stvarnog odnosi poseda u robnom društvu. Pravo je objašnjivo prethodnim odnosom ekonomskog subjekta prema stvarima.
Key words: authors/Paul Hirst, language/English, personalities/Pashukanis, legal subject, economic subject, law, commodity, ownership, rights
ključne reči: autori / Paul Hirst, jezik / engleski, ličnosti / Pashukanis, subjekt prava, ekonomski subjekt, pravo, roba, vlasništvo, prava