Poor People’s Movements


Autor(s): David Miller


This book is a study of anarchism as an ideology, as a set of beliefs about human nature, society and the state that attempts both to explain the world and to help to change it. It is intended mainly as an introduction for readers new to the subject. Part I surveys the major schools of anarchist thought; Part II explores the relationship between theory and practice in anarchism; and Part III offers a critical assessment of the ideology as a whole. The book is not a history of anarchism, although it analyses various historical events from the point of view of anarchist theory, and the discussion of different anarchist revolutionary strategies in Part II is arranged roughly according to historical sequence. It might usefully be read alongside one of the excellent histories of anarchism that are currently available, for instance James Joll's or George Woodcock's.


Ova knjiga je studija anarhizma kao ideologije, kao skupa verovanja o ljudskoj prirodi, društvu i državi koja i jedno i drugo pokušava objasniti svet i pomoći da se on promeni. Zamišljen je uglavnom kao uvod za čitaoce koji su novi u ovoj temi. Prvi deo ispituje majora škole anarhističke misli; Drugi deo istražuje odnos između teorije i prakse u anarhizmu; a treći deo nudi kritičku procenu ideologije u celini. Knjiga nije istorija anarhizma, iako analizira različite istorijske događaje sa stanovišta anarhističke teorije, a rasprava o različitim anarhističkim revolucionarnim strategijama u II delu raspoređena je otprilike prema istorijskom sledu. Može se korisno pročitati uz jednu od odličnih istorija anarhizma koje su trenutno dostupne, na primer Džejmsa Džola ili Džordža Vudkoka.


key words: authors/David Miller, language/English, anarchism, ideology, Communism, Marxism, syndicalism, the New Left, revolution


ključne reči: autori / Dejvid Miler, jezik / engleski, anarhizam, ideologija, komunizam, marskizam, sindikaliza, Nova levica, revolucija


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