An essay on Yugoslav Society Autor(s): Branko Horvat/span> |
This title was first published in 1967. In the foreword the author states that the present Essay was not written in haste, and probably cannot be read through in haste either. “It is the result of my thinking about our society for the last sixteen years. The section "The Transition Period" was written and published as long ago as 1951 ; the last section, on the theory of the party, was written only after the Brioni Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, when study of these problems had become socially relevant, in the sense of the quotation of Marx that has been adopted as the epigraph of this book.“
Ovaj naslov je prvi put objavljen 1967. godine. U predgovoru autor navodi da ovaj Esej nije napisan na brzinu, a verovatno ni da se ne može na brzinu pročitati. “To je rezultat mog razmišljanja o našem društvu u poslednjih šesnaest godina. Rubrika „Tranzicioni period“ napisana je i objavljena davne 1951. godine; poslednji deo, o teoriji partije, napisan je tek posle Brionskog plenuma CK KPJ, kada je proučavanje ovih problema postalo društveno relevantno, u smislu citata Marksa koji je do sada usvojen kao epigraf ove knjige. “
key words: Authors/Branko Horvat, Language/English, Brioni Plenum, Communist Party of Yugoslavia, Associationist Socialism, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, social property
ključne reči:: autori / Branko Horvat, jezik / engleski, Brionski plenum, Komunistička partija Jugoslavije, asocijacijski socijalizam, diktatura proletarijata, društvena svojina