Poor People’s Movements

October! The Soviet Centenary

editors: Michael Hardt, Sandro Mezzadra

Authors: Michael Hardt, Sandro Mezzadra, Wang Hui, Giso Amendola, Martín Bergel, Kathy E. Ferguson, Enzo Traverso, John MacKay, Artemy Magun, Antonio Negri

Against the Day

Editor: Sophie Smith

Authors: Sophie Smith, Scott Warren, China Medel,


Contributors to this issue approach the October 1917 Russian Revolution and the experiments of the revolutionary period as events that opened new possibilities for politics that remain vital one hundred years later. The essays highlight how those events not only affected Russia and Europe but led to the emergence of a new political image of the world and a profound rethinking of Marxist traditions. This issue globalizes the 1917 revolution, emphasizing its echoes throughout the world and the parallel development of political possibilities beyond Russia. Topics include the Soviets from the revolution to the present, the impact of the revolution in Latin America, the work of the legal theorist Evgeny Pashukanis analyzed through the lens of the revolution, anarchist imaginaries, and the historicizing of communism.


Saradnici ovog izdanja pristupaju ruskoj revoluciji iz oktobra 1917. i eksperimentima revolucionarnog perioda kao događajima koji su otvorili nove mogućnosti za politiku koja ostaje vitalna i sto godina kasnije. Eseji naglašavaju kako su ti događaji ne samo uticali na Rusiju i Evropu, već su doveli do pojave nove političke slike sveta i dubokog preispitivanja marksističkih tradicija. Ovo pitanje globalizuje revoluciju iz 1917. godine, naglašavajući njen odjek širom sveta i paralelni razvoj političkih mogućnosti izvan Rusije. Teme uključuju Sovjete od revolucije do danas, uticaj revolucije u Latinskoj Americi, rad pravnog teoretičara Evgenija Pašukanisa analiziran kroz sočivo revolucije, anarhističke imaginacije i istorizaciju komunizma.


Key words: authors/ Michael Hardt, Sandro Mezzadra, Wang Hui, Giso Amendola, Martín Bergel, Kathy E. Ferguson, Enzo Traverso, John MacKay, Artemy Magun, Antonio Negri, Sophie Smith, Scott Warren, China Medel, Language/ English, personalities/ Evgeny Pashukanis, countries/ Russia, Europe, Latin America, Dates/ October 1917, Russian Revolution, Anarchism, Marxism, soviets, law, commons, abolition, Cosmopolitan Socialism, Communism, spontaneity


ključne reči: autori: Michael Hardt, Sandro Mezzadra, Wang Hui, Giso Amendola, Martín Bergel, Kathy E. Ferguson, Enzo Traverso, John MacKay, Artemy Magun, Antonio Negri, Sophie Smith, Scott Warren, China Medel, jezik / engleski, ličnosti / Pashukanis, zemlje / Russia, Europa, Latin America, Datumi / Oktobar 1917, ruska revolucija, anarhizam, marksizam, sovjeti, pravo, zajednička dobra, abolicija, kosmopolitski socijalizam, komunizam, spontanost


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