Subjectivation and Cohesion Towards the Reconstruction of a Materialist Theory of Law Author(s): Sonja Buckel |
An innovative exposition of a novel materialist legal theory, based on an important reexamination of legal thinking in the tradition of Marx. On the basis of a reconstruction of legal theory in the tradition of Marx—a current that has been more or less silenced since the end of the 1970s—Subjectivation and Cohesion develops a critical counter-pole to the theories of law that predominate in social theory today. To this end, the works of Franz Neumann, Otto Kirchheimer, Evgeny Pashukanis, Oskar Negt, Isaac D. Balbus, the so-called 'State-derivation School', Antonio Gramsci, Nicos Poulantzas and Michel Foucault are first analysed for their strengths and weaknesses, and then combined to form something new and much needed: a materialist legal theory that is fit for the present and which avoids the shortcomings of existing theories – above all their disregard for gender relations and the reductive consequences of functionalist, economic or politicist approaches to law.
Inovativno izlaganje nove materijalističke pravne teorije, zasnovano na važnom preispitivanju pravnog mišljenja u Marksovom tradiciji. Na osnovu rekonstrukcije pravne teorije u tradiciji Marksa – struje koja je manje-više ućutkana od kraj 1970-ih — Subjektivacija i kohezija razvijaju kritički kontra-pol teorija prava koje danas preovlađuju u društvenoj teoriji. U tu svrhu, radovi Franca Nojmana, Ota Kirhajmera, Evgenija Pašukanisa, Oskara Negta, Isaka D. Balbusa, takozvana 'Škola izvođenja države', Antonio Gramši, Nikos Pulancas i Mišel Fuko prvo se analiziraju u pogledu svojih snaga i mana, a zatim se kombinuju da formiraju nešto novo i preko potrebno: materijalističku pravnu teoriju koja je prikladna za sadašnjost i čime se izbegavaju nedostaci postojećih teorija – pre svega njihovo zanemarivanje rodnih odnosa i reduktivne posledice funkcionalističkog, ekonomskog ili političarskog pristupa pravu.
Key words: authors/ Sonja Buckel, language/ English, personalities/ Franz Neumann, Otto Kirchheimer, Evgeny Pashukanis, Oskar Negt, Isaac D. Balbus, Antonio Gramsci, Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Habermas, State-derivation School, law, materialism, gender, self-reproduction, self-organization, money, power, solidarity, relational rights, hegemony, state, emancipation, democracy
ključne reči: autori/ Sonja Buckel, jezik / engleski, ličnosti / Franz Neumann, Otto Kirchheimer, Evgeny Pashukanis, Oskar Negt, Isaac D. Balbus, Antonio Gramsci, Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Habermas, Škola derivacije države, pravo, materijalizam, rod, samoreprodukcija, samoorganizovanje, novac, moć, solidarnost, prava / ralaciona prava, hegemonija, država, emancipacija, demokratija