Karl Marx and the Classics An Essay on Value, Crises and the Capitalist Mode of Production Authors: John Milios, Dimitri Dimoulis, George Economakis |
This title was first published in 2002: By exploring Marxian value theory and its relevance to present issues of economic analysis, such as the circuit of social capital, the quantity theory of money, instability and economic crises, and economic exploitation and its ideological disguise, this volume investigates the conceptual links between Marxian and Classical Political Economy. The book poses and discusses questions that have yet to be tackled thoroughly in the English-language Marxian literature, such as Marx's theoretical inconsistencies and the role of Engels as editor and "interpreter" of Marx's writings. In doing so, this excellent text provides a much-needed contemporary re-evaluation of the work of one of the world's most enduring writers
Ovaj naslov je prvi put objavljen 2002. godine: Istražujući marksovsku teoriju vrednosti i njenu relevantnost za aktuelna pitanja ekonomske analize, kao što su kruženje društvenog kapitala, kvantitativna teorija novca, nestabilnost i ekonomske krize, i ekonomska eksploatacija i njeno ideološko maskiranje, ovaj tom istražuje konceptualne veze između marksističke i klasične političke ekonomije. Knjiga postavlja i razmatra pitanja koja tek treba da budu detaljno obrađena u marksističkoj literaturi na engleskom jeziku, kao što su Marksove teorijske nedoslednosti i uloga Engelsa kao urednika i „tumača“ Marksovih spisa. Pritom, ovaj odličan tekst pruža preko potrebnu savremenu prevrednovanje dela jednog od najizdržljivijih svetskih pisaca.
Key words: Authors/ John Milios, Dimitri Dimoulis, George Economakis, Language/ English, personalities/ Marx, Ricardo, Engels, political economy, value, money, capital, commodity, fetishism, Marxism
ključne reči: Autori / John Milios, Dimitri Dimoulis, George Economakis, Jezik / engleski, Ličnosti / Marx, Ricardo, Engels, politička ekonomija, vrednost, novac, kapital, roba, fetišizam, marskizam