Poor People’s Movements

Political Culture at the Institute of Red Professors in: Revolution of the Mind - Higher Learning among the Bolsheviks, 1918-1929

Author(s): Michael David-Fox


Using archival materials never previously accessible to Western scholars, Michael David-Fox analyzes Bolshevik Party educational and research initiatives in higher learning after 1917. His fresh consideration of the era of the New Economic Policy and cultural politics after the Revolution explains how new communist institutions rose to parallel and rival conventional higher learning from the Academy of Sciences to the universities. Beginning with the creation of the first party school by intellectuals on the island of Capri in 1909, David-Fox argues, the Bolshevik cultural project was tightly linked to party educational institutions. He provides the first account of the early history and politics of three major institutions founded after the Revolution: Sverdlov Communist University, where the quest to transform everyday life gripped the student movement; the Institute of Red Professors, where the Bolsheviks sought to train a new communist intellectual or red specialist; and the Communist Academy, headquarters for a planned, collectivist, proletarian science.


Koristeći arhivske materijale koji nikada ranije nisu bili dostupni zapadnim naučnicima, Majkl Dejvid-Foks analizira obrazovne i istraživačke inicijative boljševičke partije u visokom obrazovanju posle 1917. Njegovo novo razmatranje ere nove ekonomske politike i kulturne politike posle Revolucije objašnjava kako su nove komunističke institucije porasle da paralelno i konkurentno konvencionalnom visokom učenju od Akademije nauka do univerziteta. Počevši od stvaranja prve partijske škole od strane intelektualaca na ostrvu Kapri 1909. godine, tvrdi Dejvid-Foks, boljševički kulturni projekat je bio usko povezan sa partijskim obrazovnim institucijama. On daje prvi prikaz rane istorije i politike tri glavne institucije osnovane posle Revolucije: Sverdlovskog komunističkog univerziteta, gde je potraga za transformacijom svakodnevnog života zahvatila studentski pokret; Institut crvenih profesora, gde su boljševici nastojali da obuče novog komunističkog intelektualca ili crvenog specijaliste; i Komunistička akademija, štab planske, kolektivističke, proleterske nauke.


Key words: authors/ Michael David-Fox, language/ English, countries/ Soviet Union, personalities/ Evgenii B. Preobrazhenskii, Stalin, Bolshevik Party, higher education, party school, Sverdlov Communist University, the Institute of Red Professors, Communist Academy, Communism, planned, collectivist, proletarian science, class struggle, Marxism, Great Break, New Economic Policy (NEP)


Ključne reči: autori / Michael David-Fox, jezik / engleski, zemlja / Sovjetski savez, ličnosti / Evgenii B. Preobrazhenskii, Stalin, Boljševička partija, visoko obrazovanje, partijska škola, Sverdlov komunistički univerzitet, Institut crvenih profesora, Komunistička akademija,komunizam, planska, kolektivistička, proleterska nauka, klasna borba, Marksizam, Veliki prekid, Nova ekonomska politika (NEP)


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