Workers' Self-Management in the World System: Author(s): Chris Rojek, David C. Wilson |
This paper attempts to show that whilst the concept of self management was reasonable in the light of Yugoslavia's break from the Soviet bloc, its practice has proved problematic. It is argued that there are two interrelated reasons for this. First, self-management becomes largely a myth in a country which is interdependent with a dominantly capitalist worldwide market system and, second, it becomes difficult to sustain self-management in the light of factions and pressure groups which consistently put their own interests above those of the nation.
Ovaj rad pokušava da pokaže da, iako je koncept samoupravljanja bio razuman u svetlu raskida Jugoslavije iz sovjetskog bloka, njegova praksa se pokazala problematičnom. Tvrdi se da za to postoje dva međusobno povezana razloga. Prvo, samoupravljanje u velikoj meri postaje mit u zemlji koja je međuzavisna od dominantno kapitalističkog svetskog tržišnog sistema i, drugo, postaje teško održati samoupravu u svetlu frakcija i grupa za pritisak koje svoje sopstvene interese dosledno stavljaju iznad onih. nacije.
Key words: authors/ Chris Rojek, David C. Wilson, language/ English, Places/ Yugoslavia, self-management, Socialism, Capitalism, market
Ključne reči: autori / Chris Rojek, David C. Wilson, jezik / engleski, mesta / Jugoslavija, samoupravljanje, socijalizam, kapitalizam, tržište