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Between Equal Rights - A Marxist Theory of International Law Author(s): China Miéville |
This book critically examines existing theories of international law and makes the case for an alternative Marxist approach. China Miéville draws on the pioneering jurisprudence of Evgeny Pashukanis linking law to commodity exchange, and in turn uses international law to make better sense of Pashukanis. Miéville argues that despite its advances, the recent ‘New Stream’ of radical international legal scholarship, like the mainstream it opposes, fails to make sense of the legal form itself. Drawing on Marxist theory and a critical history of international law from the sixteenth century to the present day, Miéville seeks to address that failure, and argues that international law is fundamentally constituted by the violence of imperialism.
Ova knjiga kritički ispituje postojeće teorije međunarodnog prava i zalaže se za alternativni marksistički pristup. China Mieville se oslanja na pionirsku praksu Evgenija Pašukanisa koja povezuje pravo sa robnom razmenom, a zauzvrat koristi međunarodno pravo da bi bolje razumela Pashukanisa. Mieville tvrdi da uprkos svom napretku, nedavni „Novi tok“ radikalne međunarodne pravne nauke, poput glavnog toka kome se protivi, ne uspeva smisliti samu pravnu formu. Oslanjajući se na marksističku teoriju i kritičku istoriju međunarodnog prava od šesnaestog veka do danas, Mieville nastoji da se pozabavi tim neuspehom i tvrdi da je međunarodno pravo u osnovi konstituisano nasiljem imperijalizma.
key words: authors/ China Miéville, Personalities/ Pashukanis, international law, marxism, jurisprudence, imperialism, commodity
Ključne reči: Autori / China Miéville, Ličnosti / Pashukanisi, međunarodno pravo, marksizam, pravna teorija, imperijalizam, roba