The Development of the Concept of Civil Society in Marx author(s): Geoffrey Hunt |
“Since the publication of Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks the concept 'civil society' has gained wide currency in Marxist political theory. Transcription of this concept from classical liberal theory to Marxist theory has often been justified by reference to its employment in the works himself. However, insufficient attention has been paid by Marxist, especially Gramscian, theoreticians to the radical changes in Marx's standing of this concept over the four decades of his economic and theorizing. In fact, by the time of his mature work it ceases to be a primary theoretical concept and is treated as an ideological elaboration of commodity exchange relations which veil more fundamental exploitative production relations. A serious flaw in much current Marxist theorizing may be traced to an ignorance of Marx's critique of civil society.”
Nakon objavljivanja Zatvorskih sveski Antonija Gramšija koncept “civilnog društva” je stekao široku zastupljenost u marksističkoj političkoj teoriji. Prevođenje ovog koncepta iz klasične liberalne u marksističku teoriju je često bilo opravdavano navodima o upotrebi ovog pojma u njegovim delima. Kakogod, marksistički, posebno gramšijevski teoretičari nisu posvetili dovoljno pažnje korenitim promenama u Marksovom poimanju ovog koncepta za 4 dekade njegovog teorijskog rada o ekonomiji. Zapravo, do perioda njegovog zrelog stvaralaštva ono prestaje da bude primarni teorijski koncept i tretirano je kao ideološko razmatranje odnosa robne razmene koje prikriva temeljnije eksploatatorske odnose proizvodnje. Ozbiljna omaška u večem broju trenutnih marskističkih razmatranja, može da ukaže na ignorisanje Marksove kritike civilnog društva.”
History of Political Thought (HPT) is a quarterly journal which was launched in 1980 to fill a genuine academic need for a forum for work in this multidisciplinary area. Although a subject central to the study of politics and history, researchers in this field had previously to compete for publication space in journals whose intellectual centres of gravity were located in other disciplines.
History of Political Thought (HPT) je tromjesečni časopis koji je pokrenut 1980. godine kako bi se ispunila istinska akademska potreba za forumom u ovoj multidisciplinarnoj oblasti. Iako su predmet centralnog proučavanja politike i istorije, istraživači u ovoj oblasti su se prethodno morali utrkivati za prostor za objavljivanje u časopisima čija su se intelektualna težišta nalazila u drugim disciplinama.
Key words: authors/ Geoffrey Hunt, language/ English, publications/ History of Political Thought, personalities/ Marx, Antonio Gramsci, civil society, Marxism, exploitation
Ključne reči:: Autori / Geoffrey Hunt, Jezik / Engleski, Publikacije / Istorija političke misli, Ličnosti / Marx, Antonio Gramsci, civilno društvo, Marskizam, eksploatacija