Poor People’s Movements

The Place of Law in the Marxian Structure-Superstructure Archetype

Author(s): Alan Stone


Law occupies a critical place in a Marxist theory of society. Yet Marx and Engels did not provide a coherent and detailed discussion of law. Subsequent writers in the Marxist tradition have either developed simplistic versions of the unsustainable thesis that the capitalist class dominates the legal apparatus in a capitalist society, or they have virtually abandoned Marxism as a framework for analysis of the law. This paper examines leading texts of Marx and Engels and employs them to provide the outlines of a plausible Marxist theory of law that can embrace the rich complexity of legal activity in a modern capitalist society.


Pravo zauzima kritično mesto u marksističkoj teoriji društva. Ipak, Mark i Engels nisu pružili koherentnu i detaljnu raspravu o pravu. Kasniji pisci u marksističkoj tradiciji ili su razvili pojednostavljene verzije neodržive teze da kapitalistička klasa dominira pravnim aparatom u kapitalističkom društvu, ili su praktično napustili marksizam kao okvir za analizu prava. Ovaj rad ispituje vodeće tekstove Marksa i Engelsa i koristi ih za pružanje obrisa verodostojne marksističke teorije prava koja može obuhvatiti bogatu složenost pravne delatnosti u savremenom kapitalističkom društvu.


category: authors/ Alan Stone, Language/ English, Personalities / Marx, Engels, law, marxism,


kategorije: Autori / Alan Stone, Jezik / Englski, Ličnosti / Marx, Engels, pravo, marksizam,


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