Poor People’s Movements

Thinking Disputes An Essay on the Origins of the Dispute Industry

Author(s): Maureen Cain, Kalman Kulcsar


The paper identifies five presumptions of dispute theorizing: universality, ideological functionalism, settlement by courts, qualitative identity of the parties, and comparability. It is argued that these presumptions derive from or are related to the methodology of dispute theorizing, which is idealist either in the form of abstracted empiricism or logical deduction. Reasons for the sudden upsurge in dispute theorizing are discussed. Concluding, the authors evaluate attempts by dispute theorists to break away from the presumptions identified, and indicate some empirically limited but theoretically useful possibilities for further work.


U radu je identifikovano pet pretpostavki teoretizacije sporova: univerzalnost, ideološki funkcionalizam, sudsko poravnanje, kvalitativni identitet strana i uporedivost. Tvrdi se da ove pretpostavke potiču ili su povezane sa metodologijom teoretizacije sporova, koja je idealistička bilo u obliku apstraktnog empirizma ili logičke dedukcije. Raspravlja se o razlozima naglog porasta teoretizacije sporova. Zaključno, autori vrednuju pokušaje teoretičara sporova da se odmaknu od utvrđenih pretpostavki i ukazuju na neke empirijski ograničene, ali teoretski korisne mogućnosti za dalji rad.


Key words: authors/ Maureen Cain, Kalman Kulcsar, Language/ English, ideology, dispute, universality, functionalism


Ključne reči: Autori / Maureen Cain, Kalman Kulscar, Jezik / Engleski, ideologija, spor, univerzalnost, funkcionalizam


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