Defining and Ignoring Labor Discipline in the Early Soviet Period: The Comrades Disciplinary Courts, 1918-1922 Author(s): Lewis H. Sieglebaum |
“As social and cultural historians have known for some time now, court records can yield rich rewards. Judicial proceedings, particularly those involving defendants with a good story to tell, can illuminate issues and mentalities—indeed whole cosmologies—that otherwise are beyond the purview of later generations. The more irreconcilable the narratives of prosecution and defense, the better, for their very irreconcilability is what provides historians with the opportunity for intervention and partial, albeit posthumous, vindication of the accused. But while the Soviet juridical system has been the subject of considerable scholarly attention, almost all of it has been animated by political or legal-historical questions. Little use has been made of trial proceedings and related materials to explore what they might reveal about other dimensions of Soviet life.”
“In what follows, I will consider the ideological and institutional frameworks of the comrades-disciplinary courts and the categories of cases they heard. I then analyze individual cases: those involving absenteeism, strikes and theft; protests around issues of hierarchy and dignity; and the extension of the courts' jurisdictional power to cover the violation of "professional discipline" by managers and technical personnel.”
“Kao što istoričari društva i kulture znaju već neko vreme, sudski spisi mogu doneti bogate nagrade. Sudski postupci, posebno oni koji uključuju optužene sa dobrom pričom, mogu osvetliti pitanja i mentalitet - zaista čitave kosmologije - koji inače nisu u nadležnosti kasnijih generacija. Što su narativi tužilaštva i odbrane nepomirljivi, to bolje, jer njihova nepomirljivost pruža istoričarima priliku za intervenciju i delimično, iako posthumno, opravdanje optuženog. No, iako je sovjetski pravni sistem bio predmet značajne pažnje naučnika, gotovo je sve bilo oživljeno političkim ili pravno-istorijskim pitanjima. Malo se koristilo sudskim postupcima i srodnim materijalima da bi se istražilo šta bi oni mogli otkriti o drugim dimenzijama sovjetskog života.”
“U onome što sledi razmatraću ideološke i institucionalne okvire disciplinskih sudova za drugove, i kategorije slučajeva za koje su saslušavani. Potom ću analizirati pojedinačne slučajeve: one koji uključuju izostajanje s posla, štrajkove i krađe; proteste oko pitanja hijerarhije i dostojanstva; kao i širenje sudske pravodusne moći kako bi se pokrila povreda “radne discipline” menadžeta i tehničkog osoblja.”
Key words: Authors/ Lewis H. Sieglebaum, countries/ Soviet Union, comrades-disciplinary courts, strikes, juridical system, ideology
Ključne reči: autori / Lewis H. Siegelbaum, Sovjetski savez, disciplinski sudovi za drugove, štrajkovi, pravosudni sistem, ideologija