Pashukanis and Liberal Jurisprudence Author(s): Nigel Simmonds |
“The liberal aspiration, expressed most visibly in the emergence of the bourgeois legal order from the remnants of feudalism, involves the idea of rights which are not mere privileges of an inherently unequal nature. Yet we have seen how one can argue that this aspiration is incoherent, that the unequal privileges of feudalism could be replaced, within a juridical framework of thought, only by creating new and equally arbitrary privileges. We have seen that both the political theory and the law which seeks to implement this aspiration, separates the person from his arbitrary attributes only to reduce his identity to vanishing point; and against this problem we must pose the Marxist vision of a world where human problems are confronted directly, without the mediation of a burgeoning juridical theory peopled by abstractions. It is in these terms that Marxism, and the writings of Pashukanis, must be understood.”
“Težnje liberalizma, najvidljivije u nastajanju buržoaskog pravnog sistema iz ostataka feudalizma, uključuju ideju o pravima koji se ne svode samo na privilegije koje su suštinski izraz nejednakosti. Ipak, videli smo kako je ova težnja nekoherentna, i da privilegije nejednakih u feudalizmu mogu biti zamenjene, unutar pravnog okvirom mišljenja, samo kroz stvaranje novih i jednako proizvoljnim privilegijama”. Videli smo da i politička teorija i pravo koji teže da sprovedu ovu težnju, odvajaju osobu od njenih proizvoljnih osobina samo da bi sveli njen identitet do tačke nestajanja; tako da, na ovaj problem moramo primeniti Marksovu viziju sveta gde su ljudski problemi suočeni neposredno, bez posredovanja bujajuće pravničke teorije koja ljude apstrahuje. U ovom smislu trebamo razumeti Marksizam i radove Pašukanisa.”
Established as the leading British periodical for socio-legal studies, the Journal of Law and Society offers an interdisciplinary approach. It is committed to achieving a broad international appeal, attracting contributions and addressing issues from a range of legal cultures, as well as theoretical concerns of cross-cultural interest. It produces an annual special issue, which is also published in book form. It has a widely respected Book Review section and is cited globally.
Osnovan kao vodeći britanski časopis za društveno-pravne studije, Journal of Lav and Societi nudi interdisciplinarni pristup. Posvećen je postizanju široke međunarodne privlačnosti, privlačenju doprinosa i rešavanju pitanja iz niza pravnih kultura, kao i teorijskim pitanjima od međukulturnog interesa. Izdaje godišnje izdanje koje se takođe objavljuje u obliku knjige. Ima široko poštovan odeljak Pregled knjiga i citiran je globalno.
Key words: Author/ Nigel Simmonds, Language/ English, personalities/ Pashukanis, Liberalism, jurisprudence, civil rights, privileges, political theory, law, Marxism.
Ključne reči: Autor / Nigel Simmonds, Jezik / Engleski, ličnosti / Pashukanis, liberalizam, teorija prava, građanska prava, privilegije, politička teorija, pravo, Marksizam