Freedom of Artistic Expression and Scientific Inquiry in Russia Author(s): Philip E. Mosely |
The article is an attempt for a survey of intellectual freedom in the Soviet Union in 1936 and 1937: “Marxism regards all intellectual activity as a part of the superstructure of social development taken as a whole, which is determined in turn by the emergent phases of the class struggle. Marxism is regarded by its advocates both as the only basis of scientific and artistic creation and as the most important weapon in the armory of the proletarian class struggle; hence it regards as scientifically and artistically "true" only that which aids the proletariat in its struggle to overthrow capitalism and to establish a classless society.
As Academician Gubkin has recently reminded the world, Lenin considered "pure" or "classless" science to be an impossibility. The classless society has supposedly been consummated in the main with the completion of the Second Five Year Plan (December 31, 1937); hence, in a society which is now proclaimed to be neither capitalist nor proletarian, but soviet in character, science and art should also be emerging, presumably, into a classless era. Since, however, class and political motives are still being sought in all expressions of scientific and artistic activity in the Soviet Union, the purpose of this article is not to argue the question of Marxist determinism, but to examine concretely recent phenomena in this sphere of life, no less important for the well-being and progress of a society than statistics of literacy or of grain production.”
Ovaj članak je pokušaj ankete o intelektualnim slobodama u Sovjetskom savezu u 1936. i 1937.:”Marksizam svaku intelektualnu aktivnost vidi kao nadgradnju društvenog razvoja u celini, koji je određen nastupajućim fazama klasne borbe. Marksizam je smatran od strane njegovih zagovornika kao jedina osnova naučnog i umetničkog stvaralaštva, takođe i kao najvažnije oružje u arsenalu klasne borbe proletarijata; s obzirom da smatra za naučno i umetnički “istinito” samo ono što pomaže proletarijatu u borbi da svrgne kapitalizam i zasnuje besklasno društvo.”
“I kao što je akademik Gubkin podsetio svet, Lenjin je smatrao da “čista” ili “besklasna” nauka ne postoji. Verovalo se da je besklasno društvo bilo u biti kompletirano sa završetkom Drugog petogodišnjeg plana (31. decembar 1937); ipak, u društvu koje se ne naziva ni kapitalističkim ni proleterskim, već sovjetskog tipa, nauka i umetnost bi takođe trebalo da izrastaju, pretpostavimo, u besklasno doba. Kakogod, pošto se klasni i politički motivi i dalje traže u svim izrazima naučne i umetničke aktivnosti u Sovjetskom savezu, cij ovog članka nije da zastupa tezu pitanja Marksističkog determinizma, već da ispita konkretno, nedavne fenomene u ovoj oblasti života, koja nije manje važna za blagostanje i napredak društva od statistike pismenosti ili proizvodnje žita.”
Each issue of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, guest edited by scholars and experts in the field, presents more than 200 pages of timely, in-depth research on a significant topic of interest to its readership which includes academics, researchers, policymakers, and professionals.
Svaki broj Anala Američke akademije političkih i društvenih nauka, čiji su gosti uređivali naučnici i stručnjaci u ovoj oblasti, predstavlja više od 200 stranica pravovremenog, detaljnog istraživanja o značajnoj temi od interesa za čitalaštvo, uključujući i akademike, istraživače, kreatore politike i profesionalce.
Key words: Authors/ Philip E. Mosely, Language/ English, freedom, intellectuals, countries/ Soviet Union, Marxism, art, science, class, superstructure, class struggle, proletariat, classless society, Five Year Plan, Capitalism
Ključne reči: Autori/ Philip E. Mosely, Jezik / Engleski, sloboda, intelektualci, zemlje / Sovjetski savez, Marksizam, umetnost, nauka, klasa, nadgradnja, klasna borba, proletatijat, besklasno društvo, Petogodišnji plan, kapitalizam