Poor People’s Movements Author(s): Frances Fox Piven, Richard A. Cloward |
Have the poor fared best by participating in conventional electoral politics or by engaging in mass defiance and disruption? The authors of the classic Regulating The Poor assess the successes and failures of these two strategies as they examine, in this provocative study, four protest movements of lower-class groups in 20th century America:
-- The mobilization of the unemployed during the Great Depression that gave rise to the Workers' Alliance of America
-- The industrial strikes that resulted in the formation of the CIO
-- The Southern Civil Rights Movement
-- The movement of welfare recipients led by the National Welfare Rights Organization.
Da li su siromašni najbolje prošli učešćem u konvencionalnoj izbornoj politici ili masovnim prkosom i ometanjem? Autori klasične knjige „Regulisanje siromašnih“ procenjuju uspehe i neuspehe ove dve strategije dok u ovoj provokativnoj studiji ispituju četiri protesna pokreta nižih klasnih grupa u Americi 20. veka:
- Mobilizacija nezaposlenih tokom Velike depresije koja je dovela do stvaranja Radničkog saveza Amerike
- Industrijski štrajkovi koji su rezultirali formiranjem CIO-a
- Pokret Juga za građanska prava
- Pokret korisnika socijalne pomoći predvođen Organizacijom za nacionalna prava.
Key words: Authors/ Frances Fox Piven, Richard A. Cloward, Language/English, workers, poverty, movement, civil rights, bureaucratization,
Ključne reči: Autori/Frances Fox Piven, Richard A. Cloward, jezik/engleski, radnici, siromaštvo, pokret, građanska prava, birokratizacija